Monday, July 28, 2008

Dream on Fellow Dreamer Whether Ye be Believer or Athiest

Speaking of inspirational quotes, I finally got to finish James A Owen's accomplished fantasy novel Here, There Be Dragons on the weekend after many many interruptions (including hunting for a missing person at midnight in freezing conditions) to my reading momentum. The book has a wonderfully original premise which will add to the reading pleasure of the literary ones amongst who have extensively read both fantasy and children's classics. One of my favourite sections from HTBD was on page 218, 
"A little prayer?" said Jack. "To a constellation?"
"To what it represents," said Aven.
"But I don't believe in what it represents," said Jack.
"Prayers aren't for the deity," said Aven. "They're for you, to recommit yourself to what you believe."
"Can't you do that without praying to a dead Greek 
"Sure," said Aven, "But how often would anyone do that, if not in prayer?"
Mr Owen – methinks there's more to you than meets the eye in any bio I've read about you 

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