Monday, January 9, 2012

Valentine Black Mermaid™ (Ace of Hearts) Launched

You may have noticed our new Valentine Black Mermaid™ design in the right hand column of this blog, as well as on our Black Mermaid FaceBook page profile pic for the last few days. She's not the Queen of Hearts as one would expect but the "Ace of Hearts" – top of the playing card totem pole, top of the hierarchy – and she beats the Queen hands down in the love stakes. If you want to check out our latest offerings with this design then go to the Black Mermaid Boutique. On another note, for the collectors out there who regularly buy product from the shop, we're letting you know that we will be deleting the apron range in the next week and adding a new suede cushion, which will feature alongside the twill and canvas throw pillow. We recently bought the new suede cushion with some other branding on it and absolutely LOVED it. Feels great and looks great!

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