Tuesday, September 13, 2011
Mermaid Books 5 - Mermaid

BMP on ACA Stanleys Conference Comics Panel

Win a Portfolio / Project Review at the Comics Masterclass with Colleen Doran!
Participants in the Australian Society of Authors (ASA) Comics Masterclass to be held on Saturday 19 and Sunday 20 November 2011 have a rare opportunity to win a private one-hour portfolio or project review with elite US comics industry professional and masterclass presenter Colleen Doran.
This opportunity is based on merit rather than luck. You must be booked into the event to be able to apply.
There will be two rounds in the process. The submissions are due by the end of October and will be assessed during the first week of November by a three-person panel consisting of ASA Comics / Graphic Novels Portfolio Holders Jozef Szekeres and Julie Ditrich, as well as Comics Masterclass Advisor / Consultant Tim McEwen who will shortlist the six best submissions.
Colleen Doran will decide the winner from the shortlist. The winner’s name will be announced at the event on Sunday afternoon. The review will take place after the Sunday session so if you are applying, please allow time in your schedule (especially if you’re an out-of-towner and have flights to catch) should you be the lucky winner. Also make sure you bring your complete portfolio or the expanded project proposal with you on the Sunday.
Submission Guidelines
(1) If you are presenting a portfolio then:
– Artists should include up to six pieces of published or unpublished comics artwork indicative of current ability and in any genre. This can include covers, concept sketches and the like but must contain interior sequential artwork of one scene (approximately two to four pages) within a larger work or short story.
– Writers should include up to six pages of published or unpublished wordless or lettered sequential art indicative of current ability and in any genre. It should include one scene (approximately two to four pages) within a larger work or short story.
Furthermore, both writers and artists should include a cover page which contains the following information: name, address, phone / fax, email and website details and a short bio that includes publishing credits.
(2) If you are presenting a project then:
– Artists should include a sequential art scene of three to six penciled pages (no lettering required) from an unpublished work. It should reflect your current ability, and reflect the direction of the feedback being sought (ie. what you would like most help with).
– Writers should include a comics script of a three to six page scene from an unpublished work. It should reflect your current ability, and reflect the direction of the feedback being sought (ie. what you would like most help with).
Furthermore, both writers and artists should include a cover page which contains the following information: name, address, phone / fax, email and website details and a short bio that includes publishing credits.
This should be accompanied by a one to two page project summary, which includes a synopsis, project description (page count, comics format, art style, genre, target market, production notes such as your vision on the packaging, as well as what you would specifically like to discuss with Colleen about the project and need most help with).
Teams of up to three people (eg. writer, artist and inker) may also apply for a project review, provided they are all registered for the masterclass and comply with the above submission criteria. If the team project is successful then the team will participate in the review session with Colleen.
Assessment Criteria
The submissions will be assessed on:
– Publishing potential
– Sequential art storytelling ability.
Where to Send Submissions
You can either:
(1) Email your submission to Laurine Croasdale: laurine@asauthors.org
(2) Mail your submission to:
Australian Society of Authors
Suite C1.06 22-36 Mountain St Ultimo NSW 2007
5pm on Monday 31 October 2011
Further Information
Please direct queries to:
Julie Ditrich on (02) 9606 4728 or julie@blackmermaid.com
Laurine Croasdale on (02) 9211 1004 or laurine@asauthors.org

We haven't sent any of the Elf~Fin: Hyfus & Tilaweed Previews away for review simply because we believe it's too early. As mentioned previously on our website, the Preview is the first Act and the first half of the first issue of the first series. Page 24 which is the last page in the issue isn't even a conventional cliff-hanger, as we are actually just entering Act 2 of the story. Therefore, to critique it at this point would be like the Masterchef judges critiquing one element of a dish rather than the complete plated dish – sort of like reviewing the jelly (jello) in an unassembled trifle or the mornay sauce but not the lobster in a lobster mornay.
Beautifully weighing the charming earlier scenes of the cheerful Mers with the encroaching darkness at book's end, the story brings to life a rich and complex universe with an entire culture just waiting to be explored... and is described beautifully in Szekeres' dynamic and broadly colourful palette.This is truly exquisite comic book artwork of an underwater world in which viewers won't have trouble seeing Szekeres' Disney history, with extraordinary character movement and expression exploding richly from every page...It's a major flaw in comics when the artwork doesn't suit the story or vice versa, but here the two are in perfect harmony, Ditrich's writing bring us gently into the world (thought not spoon-feeding us) and Szekeres making sure we stay there when we arrive.
Monday, September 12, 2011
Adventures at Mer-Con & the World Mermaid Awards - Part II