We apologise for being absent for so long. We both went underground during the last six weeks or so – I (Julie) have been in hospital for spinal surgery and have been recovering for the last three weeks, and Jozef has had so many art deadlines and computer meltdowns where he's had to rebuild his entire hard-drive (thank goodness for his Time Machine back up system!) that's it's just been a terrible month. Medically speaking, this has not been a good year for either of us because Jozef had a bout with whooping cough at the beginning of the year which reined him in and exhausted him for several months – it was a terrible hearing him wrack in a breath. At least it's over with and we will welcome our default position of being in excellent health in 2011 when the energy will once again be fresh and renewed.
The image you see beside you is the Xmas Black Mermaid™ (Snow Angel) design that we released not long ago. She's delicate and fragile and really quite beautiful .. as always, Jozef's done a superlative job. We also have lots of lovely things in store for next year (as well as a lot of work that we need to keep plugging away at) so there'll be announcements soon. Because of the medical issues we've lost about two to three months of momentum but we are making up for lost time and appreciate all your patience and support. Here's raising a New Year's Eve glass of champagne, juice, water or whatever your pleasure ... see you in a few days with lots of new pretty bright pieces of art and comics fare!