... and here's some more!
You lock your house up when you leave it. You lock you car up when you park it. You lock your email account with a password, but do you lock up your brand name, logo or commercially valuable intangible assets? More and more authors are looking to fully commercially exploit their intellectual property by using the registered trade marks system. A trade mark can be a word, phrase, letter, number, sound, smell, shape, logo, picture or a combination of these. In this session you'll learn how trade marks can help you make the most of your creativity.
About IP Australia
Australia's economic well-being depends on capturing the benefits of increased innovation and creativity. IP Australia's role is to provide a strong intellectual property (IP) system, which promotes innovation, investment and trade. IP Australia does this by administering the patents, trade marks, designs and plant breeder's rights systems, as well as producing industry specific tools, which help business to fully exploit their creativity and innovation.
About the ASA
The Australian Society of Authors (which incorporates the Society of Book Illustrators [SOBI]) is the peak professional association for Australian literary creators and has over 3000 members. The Comics/Graphic Novels Portfolio was formed in mid 2007, to provide industry support to Australian artists and writers currently working in the comics medium and, in particular, the graphic novel format.
About the Speaker – Paul Loeffler-White
Paul Loeffler-White is the Queensland State Outreach Manager for IP Australia. He worked in the areas of legal metrology, fair trading and product safety before moving to IP Australia 15 years ago. Paul has an extensive knowledge and understanding of IP issues and their processes as well as an in depth understanding of a range of strategic issues facing the public and private sectors particularly their effect on small to medium enterprises.
Date: Saturday 10 April 2010
Time: 6.00pm to 7.00pm
Venue: Supanova Seminar Room (downstairs), Exhibition Building, RNA Showgrounds, Gregory Terrace, Brisbane (to be confirmed)
Entry fee: There is no charge to attend the seminar. However, attendees must be exhibitors or hold a One Day Pass ($23.80 through Ticketek or $25.00 at the door) or a Supafan Three Day Weekend Pass ($49. 50 through Ticketek or $60.00 at the door). Ticketek Bookings – 132 849 or http://premier.ticketek.com.au.
Further Information: Check the event guide on Supanova.
About the Speaker – John Jenkins
John Jenkins is the State Outreach Manager of Victoria/Tasmania for IP Australia. John has been developing alliances with a range of government and private service providers for over 14 years to inform them and their small business clients about the critical role of IP in building sustainable businesses. During this time John has delivered presentations on intellectual property to various private, educational and business groups.
Date: Saturday 17 April 2010
Time: 6.00pm to 7.00pm
Venue: Supanova Seminar Room, opposite Exhibition Hall (via Main Entrance off Epsom Rd), Melbourne Showgrounds
Entry fee: There is no charge to attend the seminar. However, attendees must be exhibitors or hold a One Day Pass ($23.85 through Ticketek or $25.00 at the door) or a Supafan Weekend Pass ($39. 50 through Ticketek or $50.00 at the door). Ticketek Bookings – 132 849 or http://premier.ticketek.com.au.
Further Information: Check the event guide on Supanova.
About the Speaker – Eunika Janus
Eunika Janus is the NSW Outreach Manager at IP Australia. As part of her role, Eunika is responsible for raising awareness of intellectual property issues amongst the business and general community in NSW, with a particular focus on creative industries. Before joining IP Australia, Eunika worked as a solicitor in the trade marks practice of one of Australia’s largest corporate law firms.
Date: Saturday 19 June 2009
Time: 6.00pm to 7.00pm
Venue: Supanova Seminar Room, The Dome, Sydney Olympic Park
Entry fee: There is no charge to attend the seminar. However, attendees must be exhibitors or hold a One Day Pass ($23.80 through Ticketek or $25.00 at the door) or a Supafan Weekend Pass ($39. 50 through Ticketek or $50.00 at the door). Ticketek Bookings – 132 849 or http://premier.ticketek.com.au.
Further Information: Check the event guide on Supanova.
About the Speaker – Nigel Stewart
Nigel Stewart is WA Outreach Manager for IP Australia and has been providing support and assistance to clients for the past 10 years. Nigel has more recently been focused on participation in education forums for business support networks, which he finds both stimulating and rewarding.
Date: Saturday 26 June 2010
Time: 6.00 to 7.00pm
Venue: Supanova Seminar Room, Robinson Pavillion, Claremont Showgrounds, Perth
Entry fee: There is no charge to attend the seminar. However, attendees must be exhibitors or hold a One Day Pass ($23.80 through Ticketek or $25.00 at the door) or a Supafan Weekend Pass ($39. 50 through Ticketek or $50.00 at the door). Ticketek Bookings – 132 849 or http://premier.ticketek.com.au.
Further Information: Check the event guide on Supanova.