Tuesday, June 30, 2009
Jozef Szekeres ASA Postcard Art

Friday, June 26, 2009
aussieBum Superheroes
Tuesday, June 23, 2009
Recommended Articles for Comics Creators
Tuesday, June 16, 2009
Donald Duck Beloved in Germany

When I was a kid I loved nothing more than going with my father to the local petrol station to fill up on a Saturday morning. He'd always buy me a Disney comic or two and I'd rush home to read them over and over and over. I still have them in an archive box – Mickey Mouse; Pluto; Goofy; Donald Duck, Daisy Duck, and Huey, Dewey and Louie; Uncle Scrooge; the Beagle Brothers – wonderful stuff. I know Mickey Mouse is the quintessential Disney cartoon character but I always preferred Donald – he was temperamental and volatile, prone to temper tantrums and was hilarious. Mickey was thoughtful and always on his best behaviour, whereas Donald lived pretty much completely in the moment.
A lavish 8,000-page German Donald Duck collector’s edition has just come out, and despite the nearly $1,900 price tag, the publisher, Egmont Horizont, says the edition of 3,333 copies is almost completely sold out.
Teaching Baby Wolf to Howl
Monday, June 15, 2009
Legal Self Defence for Comics Creators: Understanding Comics Contracts Seminars
It’s natural to be overjoyed when you’re offered a publishing contract for your comics project. It’s also natural to be devastated when you realise the contract you’ve signed has left you with little or no claim over the creative property you’ve laboured on for years. Knowledge is your first line of self-defence against those publishers who weigh contracts heavily in their favour and attempt to deny you basic and intrinsic creator rights. This seminar works towards preventing you from becoming a victim of exploitative deals by introducing you to legal publishing terms and helping you understand the implications of the major clauses in contracts. These include: intellectual property and copyright; licence and territory; advances and royalties, and subsidiary (ancillary) rights. This session will also provide you with negotiating tactics and strategies, and information on where to go for help if a dispute arises. Remember… the responsibility for getting a fair deal starts with you!
Who Should Attend
Professional (published or self-published) and emerging (hobbyist) creators are welcome to stay after official Supanova closing time to attend.
About the Speakers
Dr Jeremy Fisher (Sydney session)
Executive Director of the ASA since 2004, Jeremy Fisher has extensive experience in the Australian publishing industry. He worked as an editor and publishing manager for nearly 30 years before moving into rights management and advocacy roles. First published in 1974, he has written many works in a wide range of genres.
Jozef Szekeres (Perth session)
Illustrator, animator and comics artist Jozef Szekeres is the co-ASA Comics/Graphic Novels Portfolio Holder and a co-director of Black Mermaid Productions, a creative team working in comics. He has been published in Australia, the USA and in Europe and is a staunch defender of creator rights.
About the ASA
The Australian Society of Authors (which incorporates the Society of Book Illustrators [SOBI]) is the peak professional association for Australian literary creators and has over 3000 members. The Comics/Graphic Novels Portfolio was formed in mid 2007, to provide industry support to Australian artists and writers currently working in the comics medium and, in particular, the graphic novel format.
Seminar Information
Date: Saturday 27 June 2009
Time: 6.00pm to 7.00pm
Venue: Supanova Seminar Room,The Dome, Sydney Olympic Park
Date: Saturday 4 July 2009
Time: 6.00 to 7.00pm
Venue: Supanova Seminar Room, Robinson Pavillion, Claremont Showgrounds, Perth
Entry fee: There is no charge to attend the seminar. However, attendees must be exhibitors or hold a One Day Pass ($23.75 through Ticketek or $25.00 at the door) or a Supafan Weekend Pass ($39. 40 through Ticketek or $50.00 at the door). Ticketek Bookings – 132 849 or the website.
Further Information
Check the event guide on Supanova and the Comics/Graphic Novels Portfolio page on Australian Society of Authors.
Sunday, June 7, 2009
Aussie Comics Creators Podcasts and Interviews
Thursday, June 4, 2009
Self Help for Comics Creators Series – Understanding Your Defense Mechanisms
One of the keys to self awareness is to understand what defense mechanisms (also spelled as defence mechanism) you use when dealing with uncomfortable situations and emotional conflict. Creative people often feel particularly nervous, vulnerable and exposed when looking for a publisher or a producer, as well as when they finally release their labour of love to the outside world. They often have to endure many rejections and deal with various threshold guardians through every stage of that publishing or producing process. Consequently it may be useful for you to know which defense mechanisms you use in professional and personal situations in order to facilitate communication, be open and authentic, and to create strategies if they are an impediment to reaching your goals. A knowledge of defense mechanisms can also help you in writing – specifically, characterisation.
Defense mechanisms, also known as “coping styles”, are automatic compensatory behaviours, impulses, reactions and responses utilised when you want to avoid confronting a truth about yourself (or others) that could potentially damage the way you perceive yourself (or them).
Dissociation – A breakdown in consciousness, memory, perception of self or the environment, or sensory/motor behaviour.
Idealisation – Attributing exaggerated positive qualities to others.
Omnipotence – Feeling or acting superior to others in the belief that you possess special powers or abilities.
Passive aggression – Expressing underlying aggression, hostility, resentment and/or resistance toward others in a roundabout way while maintaining a façade of friendliness and compliance.
Reaction formation – A conversion (and repression) into the opposite of unacceptable subconscious desires, impulses or behaviours that are threatening to the psyche.
Self-observation – Reflecting on thoughts, feelings, motivation and behaviour in order to respond appropriately.
Sublimation – Re-channeling impulses and feelings from perceived negative expression to more socially accepted outlets or behaviours.
Suppression – The conscious process of pushing away uncomfortable thoughts or impulses to avoid re-experiencing them.
Undoing – Words or behaviour intended to symbolically make amends for unacceptable thoughts, feelings or actions towards another person.
Many people are completely unaware of the existence of defense mechanisms, let alone that they use them and how they use them. Other more informed individuals, however, are able to recognise the ones they subconsciously favour, as well as their pattern of use.
If you have not yet come to this place, there is a way to do this for yourself and here is the irony – the most effective way to become consciously aware of the defense mechanisms you use is to actually employ a variant of two of them – self-observation and intellectualisation. Defense mechanisms are used to deal with emotional conflict and inner world or outer world stressors. In this scenario – and here is the subtle difference – you will be utilising them for the purposes of self-transparency in order to educate yourself on yourself and how you operate from the inside out. By doing this you will be able to rein them in if they are an inappropriate expression of your true self or if you are living in the private world of avoidance.
Wednesday, June 3, 2009
National Library of Australia Comics Projects and Legal Deposit
Attention all Australian comic and graphic novel creators!
Did you know that the National Library of Australia is currently running two projects to ensure that the works Australian comics creators have had published will be collected by the National Library of Australia?
The projects are called Collecting Australian fringe publishing at the National Library of Australia and, the Comics claiming project. They are about the collection and treatment of comics, graphic novels, manga and zines at the National Library. The projects focus on:
- what is being published by Australian creators and publishers, whether published in Australia or not;
- whether we are getting them into the collection;
- if not, how to improve the intake of these material.
How is this relevant to Australian comics and graphic novels creators?
This is relevant to graphic novel and comics creators because the library needs your help to ensure that your work is represented in the national collection. For creators this will mean that a copy of your published work is preserved in a controlled environment and is made accessible to library patrons now and in the future. Information about your works will also be made available, in the form of a catalogue record, to anyone anywhere with access to the internet.
Creators can help the Library simply by telling us about their own (or other peoples if you have the details) published works. Australian (Australian companies and international companies with branches in Australia) publishers are responsible for depositing published works with the library. We call it legal deposit. But many smaller or independent publishers are unaware of their legal deposit obligations or that the library would be interested in the type of material they publish. However if the graphic novel and comics creators tell the library about their published (or soon to be published) works the library can then take steps to acquire this material from the publishers.
The library would also like to hear from creators who are published by non-Australian publishers such as IDW and First Second Books as we also wish to collect works by Australians even when published outside of Australia.
What we would like Australian comics creators to do
To talk to us about your published work just send the relevant information (title, name or names of creators, publisher’s name, date of publication and ISBN if you know it) to us via post or email or call. The contact details are provided below.
The library would also like to hear from you (just use the same contact details) if you wish to discuss any issues or ask any questions in relation to these projects.
Contact Details
For graphic novels and manga creators.
Legal Deposit Unit
National Library of Australia
Canberra ACT 2600
T: (02) 6262 1312
F: (02) 6273 4492
Email: legaldep@nla.gov.au Please put graphic novel or manga in the subject line.
For comic and zines creators.
Australian Serials
National Library of Australia
Canberra ACT 2600
T: (02) 6262 1312
F: (02) 6273 4492
Email: legaldep@nla.gov.au Please put comics or zines in the subject line.
Or just post a comment on the “Fringe Librarian” blogger spot: http://fringelib.blogspot.com
More information
For more information about legal deposit or the National Library of Australia go to the Hayase entries for:
Legal deposit at the National Library of Australia
Kind regards
Debbie Cox
Legal Deposit
National Library of Australia
Marjorie Currie
Australian Serials
National Library of Australia